I Am My Father's Son / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #2

Feb 06, 2013 19:46

Title: I Am My Father's Son / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #2
Author: carlyinrome
Prompt #: addiction
Fandom: Thunderheart
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse
Word count: 123
Disclamer: I'm not John Fusco. But I would like to buy him a drink.
Summary: On addiction.

Ray doesn’t like kissing Walter when he’s been drinking. It’s not the taste, like Walter thinks; it’s the smell. Beer’s bad, but whiskey’s worse, the smell instantly taking him back to long days and drunken nights, get away from him, Raymond-don’t-don’t-let go of him, you’re drunk! That heavy hand and his mother’s voice, not shrill but high, warbling with worry. And Walter rides him about most things, but never not drinking, and never pulling away when Walter’s had a few-not flinching, just turning his face away, demurring. And it’s a good thing, too, because if Ray’s addicted to anything himself-this kind of thing runs in the family, doesn’t it? a question he’s heard too many times-it’s Walter.

author: carlyinrome, +the 7-day challenge #2, rating: pg, fandom: thunderheart

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