Title: The Contents of Ray's Go Bag / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #1
carlyinromePrompt #: secrets
Fandom: Thunderheart
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Ray Levoi
Word count: 108
Disclamer: I'm not John Fusco. But I would like to buy him a drink.
Summary: The contents of Ray's go bag.
One pair black dress pants, starched and ironed. One pair light wash jeans, hole in the back pocket. Three white dress shirts, starched and ironed. Two cotton t-shirts, one black with a pocket, one red, no pocket.
Five white cotton undershirts, v-neck. Four ties, colors blue, red, red and blue, blue and red. Four tie pins.
One bandana, black and red. Five handkerchiefs, white-starched and ironed. Five pairs white cotton boxer shorts.
One cross necklace, one gold wedding band. One pair wire-framed glasses, one pair reading glasses. Three shades hair dye. One leather passport wallet, two leather billfolds, one black, one red.
One pair wire cutters-worn.