Title: Criminal Justice / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #1
evolutionsgirlPrompt #: crime
Fandom: General Hospital
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of rape
Character/Pairing: Sam McCall/Jason Morgan, Franco
Word count: 1489
Disclamer: I do not own General Hospital or any of the characters included. All characters are owned by ABC/Disney and the writers who created them.
Summary: This is the final showdown between Sam and Franco. After everything that he has done to her, she is now the one that can end this nightmare. This story includes spoilers for the latest revelation about the connection between Franco and Jason.
“Would you really shoot your baby’s father?”
Sam McCall tightened her grip on the gun. The gun was heavier in her hand that she would have liked and the added weight made her right arm shake. She brought her left hand up and cuffed it beneath the butt of the gun. Her own gun was lying across the room, thrown from her hands when Franco flung her across the room. This was Jason’s gun, and its ownership carried as much weight as the metal and the bullets.
“You’re not my baby’s father,” Sam said. A tremor went down her arm from the elbow, all the way to her wrist. Sam fought to keep the gun steady.
“Oh, but Sam, how can you be so sure? After all, twin DNA…”
“Is still different DNA,” Sam said. “I may not be a doctor, but I did my research. Besides, I’m on to your game. I get it now.”
“You get it.”
“Yeah,” she said. “This was never about having me, or doing anything directly to me. This was about making us suffer. This was about making Jason afraid. Well, congratulations, Franco, you succeeded for a little while.”
Sam had given that night a lot of thought. She still had no memories of anything that had happened after she passed out in the shower. All she had was the feeling that she had afterward. When she woke up, Sam hadn’t felt, physically, like anything sexual had happened. Sam had felt sleepy, tired, just as she did whenever she woke up beside Jason. The both of them had just assumed, based on what Jason had seen and Sam’s state of nudity, that Franco had raped her. When Sam put it all together, though, she was almost positive that her denial was more than simply wishful thinking.
“I know that you didn’t rape me, Franco,” Sam said. “That would have been too straight forward for you, too plain. You like to make art, and when you’re bored with your art, you play games. You played a game with us, but we win. Do you hear me, Franco? We win!”
Franco stared at her and Sam returned it. She wanted to look down at Jason. His shoulder butted up against Sam’s shoe. He wasn’t moving, and she just had to hope that he was still breathing. It wouldn’t have been the first body shot that Jason had taken. She wasn’t worried about the bullet as much as she was worried about his head. Jason had gone down hard, and his head hit the floor with a dull thud. If the situation weren’t so dire, Sam would have laughed. Jason and head injuries… would it ever end?
Franco changed tactics. “What about Jason? Would you kill his brother? His twin?”
This time Sam did laugh, a harsh bark that exploded from her lips. “You shot your brother, Franco! Next try.”
Franco held his hands out in front of him, palms facing out. His fingers shook, but his arms were steady. He was trying to distract her. Sam’s eyes popped up from his hands as he was taking a step toward her. Focus on his face, she told herself. Don’t let him distract you.
His eyes flicked to the side, then his head jerked in the same direction, quickly to the right. There was no need for Sam to follow him. She knew what was over there, and he wasn’t going to get his hands on it, or anything else, every again.
Sam rubbed the back of her head with one hand and put the other to her stomach. At the moment, her head was hurting more, so she had to believe that the baby was okay. She knew what it felt like if something was wrong. She had spent the majority of her pregnancy, so far, waiting for that feeling again, afraid of the moment that her inside twisted in knots and the pain dropped her to her knees. That pain still hadn’t come, so for now, the baby had to be okay. She couldn’t say the same for Jason.
Her eyes focused across the room. Franco’s arm was in the air, his gun waving back and forth. Jason held Franco’s arm just below the elbow. He tried to shake the gun from Franco’s hand, but his grip was tight. Franco put a hand between their bodies and shoved. Jason stumbled back, but he held on to Franco’s elbow. Sam watched in surprise as Franco turned his head to the right and leaned in. He bit down hard on Jason’s arm. Jason shouted, and it sounded more like surprise than pain. It was enough to put him off balance. Jason released Franco’s arm. Franco put a hand on Jason’s chest and shoved him back.
Sam saw it coming, knew what was going to happen. Adrenaline chased away her pain. Sam pushed off of the wall and burst up to her feet. She ran across the room and came off of her feet a few inches away from Franco. She landed on her back, and a second later, the gun went off. She didn’t look to Jason, couldn’t afford it.
Sam wrapped her arms around Franco’s neck and held on tight. She pushed her body back, still holding onto him, swinging out. As she came back to him, she brought her knees up as far as they could go. Her knees caught him in the back. Franco bowed backward and Sam fell from his back, landing hard on the floor, barely able to avoid landing on her tailbone. She recovered quickly, though. Sam crabwalked to Franco. Before he could recover, she kicked out her right leg. She swept his legs out from under him. Franco dropped to the floor, and when he hit, the gun went spinning out of his hand and across the floor.
Sam scrambled across the floor while Franco was trying to figure out how he had lost the upper hand. Sam got her hands on the gun, but Franco also got his hands on her ankle. He pulled her back before she could get a good grip, but not before she could get a good shove in and push the gun across the floor. If she couldn’t easily get it, neither could Franco.
Sam rolled onto her back as Franco pulled her toward him. She reared back with her free foot and shoved her heel into his face. Franco released her and Sam scrambled. She went to Jason, but not to check him, not to see if he was alright. His gun hadn’t fallen too far from where he had fallen when Franco shot him. Sam let herself have a millisecond of a moment. She let her fingertips brush Jason’s cheek as she scrambled past him. Her fingers touched the gun, and then her hand. She grabbed it, jumped to her feet, spun around, and put Franco in her crosshairs.
Franco started to move to the side and Sam fired a shot to the left of his feet. He jumped back. “What is wrong with you!”
“Me? You have got to be kidding me!”
“Come on, Sam. Lovely, beautiful Sam…”
“Oh, shut up!” Sam shook her head. “You stand there trying to talk me out of killing you, and soon you’ll start begging, but what about all of those other people that you’ve killed? Did they beg for their lives? Did you listen to them?”
“Sam…” He paused, and Sam knew he was coming up with the next thing he thought would work on her. Let him try, because nothing was going to work. Franco was going to die this time, and he was going to stay dead.
“You’re not a cold-blooded murderer,” Franco said. “Isn’t that what Jason always says about himself, too? When he tries to say how different we are, he says he only does it in self-defense. Will he forgive you if you kill me in cold blood? Will he keep you out of jail?”
Sam laughed. “Really? You’re going to threaten me with jail?” She laughed again. “Let’s see, Franco. Jason’s been shot and we’ve found your little videos of what you did in Hawaii. Not to mention the number of bruises that are all over my body right now. I could empty this entire clip into you and the only question anyone is going to ask me is if the baby is okay.”
Sam watched the reality of the situation dawn on Franco. She watched the psychotic sparkle fade from his eyes. Franco’s hands, previously out in front of him fell to his sides. His chin dropped to his chest. And Sam did exactly what she said she would do. She emptied the entire clip into Franco’s body, firing until the gun clicked empty. Then she dropped down to the floor and collapsed on top of Jason.
And just like she had thought, he was still breathing.