Title: [your title]
Tittle In The End
theladymorePrompt #: 5) Head
Prompt table: O
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Word count: 150
Disclamer: Every character in the fandom is property of their owners. I am just using them for my own creativity.
Summary: John contemplates why he got his nasty head injury
His head was throbbing. It was like a vice was squeezing against his temples as a clamp pushed on his head crushing it to a bloody pulp. Not even the ice pack was doing justice though it relieved the nausea and dizziness. He just wanted to lie down and sleep it off.
But that was the problem about concussions he couldn’t go to sleep. There was a risk he would never wake up. He almost wished he had gotten into that violent brawl with Kolya, then his head wouldn’t have been slammed against the stone wall of the Genii bunker.
Then he remembered why he received this annoying concussion. He turned his head and saw Elizabeth sleeping in the hospital bed next to him. She lied peacefully, face relaxed as if she didn’t have a three hour stint as a hostage. He smiled.
Bringing her home made the pain all worthwhile.