Title: Along This Sad Path
deamsgirlPrompt #: 18 - "mountain"
Prompt table: B
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Merlin
Word count: 151
Disclamer: Merlin does not elong to me. No profit was made from this story.
Summary: After the events with Cedric, Merlin goes home.
Merlin makes his way over the mountains with a heavy heart. He feels physically ill being so far away from Arthur, but after everything with Cedric, Merlin needs a little time and space to clear his head.
He's been gone a day and he briefly wonders what Arthur is doing right now; if he's angry that Merlin left without his permission, or if he even noticed beyond the fact that no one was there to empty his chamber pot that morning. Even more so, he wonders if Arthur just moved on to another servant like he did with Cedric. The thought is enough to make Merlin contemplate turning back now and throwing himself at the mercy of Arthur's inevitable foul mood, but Merlin knows that won't solve anything. He nudges his horse forward with renewed fervor as he makes his way along the path to Ealdor.
He won't go back yet.