And once again, out of the office for a couple of days. So of course, all the fall preview articles blow up while I'm gone. I'll try to catch up as fast as I can.
Barbara Bel Geddes, who I loved in Vertigo, and
Matthew McGrory, seen most recently in Big Fish.
300: From Angry Panda and Agent Sculder comes the
news that "Frank Miller's graphic novel about the legendary Battle of Thermopylae and the origins of democracy" will be coming to the screen. IGN's Stax
reviews the script here. Apparently Gerard Butler will be the lead, with possibly Sienna Miller and Orlando Bloom as well, because (as I said elsewhere the other day), Orlando Bloom is required by law to be in any significant historical epic. This is why Oliver Stone's Alexander was so widely shunned, because he had forgotten to get his Bloom license.
Lost: Not a movie, but I don't care. Here's the (new? updated?)
official UK website. Also, yes, I have seen the bizarro Calvin Klein-esque promo they ran for the show in Britain, thanks for asking. You can see it
The New World: It has a
blog! (Thanks, woolhat.)
Harry Potter rundown: From the
Leaky Cauldron: Yolen: "...if Ms. Rowling would like to cut me a very large check, I would cash it"; Joss Whedon, Veronica Mars and...HP;
Entertainment Weekly's Fall Movie Guide and Goblet Preview (with new picture); Two New Goblet of Fire Photos; Ralph Fiennes Makes "Voldemort" Face on US TV. From
Coming Soon: "Ralph Fiennes on Lord Voldemort and some other movie he happens to have coming out, whatever" interview.
More in a mo.