Weinstein Co. has date with Miss Potter. "The Weinstein Co. has acquired North American rights to Miss Potter, which stars Renee Zellweger as children's author Beatrix Potter. Production is underway in the U.K. Also on board are Ewan McGregor and Emily Watson. Chris Noonan directs in his follow-up to the 1995 hit Babe. Miss Potter follows Potter's struggles to overcome a domineering, unsupportive mother and the chauvinism of Victorian England to write The Tale of Peter Rabbit." Man, I remember when Cate Blanchett was attached to this. Also, if the Babe guy is on board, does this mean Peter Rabbit will show up as an actual character? Because that would be kind of fun.
'Sin City' Sequel Waiting for Jolie. New tidbit: "The second film will be based on Frank Miller's graphic novel stories 'A Dame to Kill For' [okay, we knew this] and 'Lost, Lonely and Lethal,' according to website, moviehole.net."
Paramount Develops Stoneheart. Monte Hellman to Direct Desperadoes. High Score Trailer. Nacho Libre Trailer #2. Clive Owen: Inside Man? (interview)
DC/Marvel Copyrighting the Phrase 'Super Hero.' Quick, someone go ask Alan Moore how he feels about it! That's got to be good for another three rants.
Mel & "Passion" pals ponder "Big Question." Final chapter looms in "Da Vinci" copying case. (Related:
'Da Vinci' Trial: Lawyer Criticizes Brown.)
"Mission" movie going mobile first. De Rossi Blames 'Ally McBeal' for Eating Disorder. Lohan Named New Face of Louis Vuitton. Culkin Forced To Testify at Jackson Trial.