(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 16:13

BAFTA spoilers: "Brokeback Mountain" star of UK film awards.

'Godfather' Actor Killed by Bus in NYC.

Captain America writer revealed.

First looks at The Painted Veil (Naomi Watts, Edward Norton), The Guardian (Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher), The Sisters, The Queen (Helen Mirren), and the controversial The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things, by the recently-outed nonexistent author J.T. Leroy.

The Pirates Sequel One-Sheet. Oh, poor Orlando.

Bridge to Terabithia film on the way.  From Walden Media, who also made The Chronicles of Narnia; also starring Zooey Deschanel and Robert Patrick. DO THIS RIGHT, PEOPLE.

An extended King Kong? Good GOD.
Unknown White Male a hoax? The article basically says, "Probably not," but the issue is raised nonetheless. After Frey and Leroy, I wonder if people aren't just on the lookout for the next big scandal.

New Scanner Darkly trailer.

Lumet, Altman on old ground with new films: When asked why he had made young Hollywood director Paul Thomas Anderson standby director on the film, Altman replied: "Because I'm so old and ancient that in order to get insurance for me I had to have a standby director."
But he was also in playful mood, adding: "The company that puts the money up ... thought they would have a better picture if I croaked and Paul Thomas Anderson took over."

While we're in the neighborhood: Much love for Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood script.

Oscars Host Stewart Prepares for Big Stage:But between preparing for the Oscars, hosting Comedy Central's award-winning fake news program "The Daily Show" and caring for his newborn daughter and 19-month-old son with wife Tracey, Stewart is going for a record-breaking season. Punctuated with a smirk.

"Some people will burn themselves to the nub," says the 43-year-old. "I've decided to exist in a sea of mediocrity. That's allowed me to do all my tasks, but to in fact do them poorly."

He's even allowed his familial obligations "to suffer and absolutely corrode."

"What we're hoping is, in my daughter's first two weeks, she's not going to remember a whole lot of this," he says. "So instead of me being there, I just take my deodorant and jam it in her crib. She'll have the faint smell of me but won't really know I haven't been an influence."

a scanner darkly, oscars, bridge to terabithia, the heart is deceitful above all things, unknown white male, find me guilty, pirates of the caribbean, brokeback mountain, awards, a prairie home companion, captain america, documentaries, deaths, the queen, the guardian, king kong, there will be blood, the sisters, the painted veil

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