Meerkat Manor: the Whiskers

Apr 04, 2013 17:55

Once upon a time the Whiskers had it all. They were the celebrity meerkats, the darlings of the silver screen. With Flower and Zaphod to lead them, they held the prime territory at the heart of the Manor, feasting on scorpions and lazing away the long hot days of summer at the Kalahari Country Club (aka the Big Dam).
But that was a decade ago. Since then the TV money has dried up, the Whiskers are down to nine remaining meerkats, have lost their old territory and now live out in the badlands behind the farmhouse, geeting bullied by the upstart Uberkatz and hiding from scary evil cows.
The Whiskers

On the left, from top: Bearslayer, Pe'ahi, Swift
On the right, from top: Pat McGroin, Enili, Loredo, Handsome Devil, Marxxs
Further to the right: Snotbubble

Enili digs

Snotbubble found a beetle

Bearslayer collapses after another long hard day

Cows are scary!
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