The Daily Snitch: Saturday 31 October

Oct 31, 2020 21:09

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Harry Potter Books:
Library Attempts to Claim First-Edition “Harry Potter” Book After It Sold at Auction

Harry Potter - Actors and Movies:
Castium Revelio: We Recognize Harry Melling


TheHPAlliance tweeted a resource to find your polling location (US), retweeted
NPR's tweet about spotting attempts to mislead voters, tweeted about getting involved with phone banking with
NextGenAmerica, posted a guide to Understanding Your Ballot, retweeted
HeadCountOrg's tweet about what to do with your (US) mail in ballot at this point, retweeted
CrystalEchoHawk's article about the importance of Native voters, and retweeted
AmistadLaw's tweet about defunding the police and
NextGenAmerica's tweet about states that allow US voters to register the same day they vote.

wzrdsinspacemag retweeted a call for submissions from
MigrantScribble for an "anthology on memory, care, & futurity centering Afro-Latinx queer &/or trans writers."

tonksntheaurors retweeted
UMAW_'s demands and retweeted their petition concerning musicians who've "never seen revenue from streaming services like Spotify"


blkgirlscreate linked to What Recent Releases Share about Our Values by
porsheuh. They also tweeted: "Friendly reminder Nazism + Facism = evil. This is not spooky Halloween content it’s celebrating the dehumanization of an entire group of people, murder, torture and subjugation. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"


blkgirlscreate posted another Black Creative Futures prompt: "what does homecoming mean in our current reality? What will homecoming mean in the future?", tweeted a new Black Witches Weekly newsletter, linked to Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of Foreign Exchange by Isaiah Caston, linked to merch, reminded that fans can sign up to receive their newsletter. They also tweeted: "Through substantive but easily accessible content, Black Girls Create encourages fans to celebrate and critique pop culture while also advocating for and contributing to the increased media representation of Black women specifically, and POC in general." And: "Black Girls Create is a collaborative space, committed to highlighting the work and commentary of Black women creators and nerds. There are plenty of ways you can have your work posted or highlighted on [their] site."

TheHPAlliance tweeted about Ace Week and Intersex Awareness Day and called on all fans to vote in the US election. They're also working with
RealLyndaCarter to encourage fans in the US to vote.

TheOGLuna dropped Songs of a Slytherin

wizrocklopedia announced the winner of the Yes All Witches Grant, linked to their interview about
Puffsplay with
BrianMetolius and
MatthewTheCox, and their Creevey Tuesday this week featured Riddle TM.

tonksntheaurors is launching a Patreon

SwishFlickCast has been nominated for Discover Pods best TV and Movie podcast in 2020 and fans can vote for them. They also reminded fans that today is the last day to sign up for their Phoenix+ box.

ohwitchplease retweeted
canlesbrarian's list, Eight Trans-Inclusive Fantasy Books
sshp_prophet posted a new edition 18-24 October

hpanimagusfest announced their fest and posted a schedule
hd-prophet posted a new edition 25 October
hp_halloween posted about the future of the fest and is now posting!

Masterlists and Weekly Round-ups:
hd-fan-fair posted ROUNDUP: WEEK 4
hp_creatures posted the fest masterlist

Fandom Recs:
Review: This “Harry Potter” Reread Podcast Will Literally Change the Way You Read the Series
toblass recced 1 piece of Snape art
themightyflynn recced 1 Snarry fic
smirkingcat recced 1 piece of Lucius/Narcissa art
melodyssister recced 1 SSHG fic

Archive News:
Five Things Laure Said

I Answer Some of the Internet’s Burning Questions About Sirius Black… Sort Of
Halloween at Hogwarts, Samhain in Scotland


blkgirlscreate posted a new Firewhisky Chat, which fans can access as Patron supporters

ohwitchplease's new ep on trauma in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone features
“Beyond the Veil” Episode 57: “Chapter 9 - Harry Potter Is Detective Pikachu”
“Beyond the Veil” Episode 58: “Chapter 10 - Guano? No Thank You”
“Potterversity” Episode 1: “Orientation”

General Fandom News:
Process for IQA Referee Certification Changes
Fan Artists Fear Retaliation over Warner Bros. Copyright Claims

It's Halloween! Time for some Potter-crafting!
Four Awesome “Harry Potter” Decor Makeovers Just in Time for Halloween
Sorting the Characters from “Nevermoor” into Hogwarts Houses


WZRDRadioPod is trying to get in touch with the wrock band, The Weasley Twins

Please send your fandom news to the Daily Snitch.

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