Stargate SG-1 - The Pegasus Project (2006) McKay: And it's exponentially proportional to size…which means the energy required to create a connection with a Supergate would far exceed that of an ordinary Gate. It'd be like… putting together a saint bernard and a chihuahua.
Vala: And the problem with that would be…??
McKay: well, obviously it's a question of, uh… oh, I see… You're umm… mocking me…aren't you?
Vala: What? Oh… Um, no. I'm not from Earth. I honestly didn't get the reference.
Director: William Waring
Writer: Brad Wright
Starring: Ben Browder, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge, Michael Shanks & Claudia Black
Guest Starring: Torri Higginson, Joe Flanigan, David Hewlett & David Nykl
While Daniel and Vala search for Merlin's anti-Ori weapon in Atlantis' library, Mitchell, McKay and Carter try to to dial the Ori Supergate in the Milky Way.
Weir: This is a computer-generated image of a Lantian woman who lived 10,000 years ago. I'm pretty familiar with the program. It hasn't changed. Question; whose image is your avatar based on and what's the purpose of your program?
'Morgan le Fay': I was created by ganos lal, in her image, for the purpose of assisting younger minds.
Weir: And what makes you think otherwise?
Vala: For starters, she told us exactly what we needed to know.
Jackson: Can you play back the last sentence she said to me before she disappeared?
'Morgan le Fay': *looks directly at Jackson* You have your answer, Daniel Jackson. I suggest you act on it.
Vala: See? See? Her demeanor completely changed. She looked directly at Daniel. It was really creepy.
Weir: Uh… Well, I did warn you that she could be patronizing.
I love this episode for the interaction between the two frontline Stargate teams, particularly Sheppard and Mitchell, and it was awesome to see Weir on SG-1 again. Even McKay being a creep around Carter wasn't enough to spoil this for me.
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