Laura has stabbed me quite thoroughly with the blade of guilt, so here I am in all my somnolent glory. (Beauteous job, by the way, with the candy-cane shorts post). I don't know what time this post will display (God only knows on what time system Livejournal functions), but it is currently five something in the morning and I haven't been to sleep in days. I have sex daydreams about my bed now. No, not about somebody in the bed. Not even about a Queen in the bed. Just about the bed. If you can even imagine how that happens.
There are five people currently asleep in my room, the names of whom I do not know. My roommate didn't seem to think me worthy of even an introduction. Is that odd? Or am I really that insignificant? In any case, I feel thorougly unloved. So I defer my unwanted love to all of you, in the form of sundry Queen photographs, mostly of the Asian persuasion, for which you will at least give me an amorous spark. I don't foresee many of my characteristically bombastically facetious captions, though, so rejoice. I don't know if I've used real words here. I apologize en avance for any raping of the English language in my coming comments, ie blatant violations of grammar and spelling, omission of vital words (like "is," "the," you know, articles, verbs, that kind of might have to use some serious inference skills to figure out what I'm trying to say) At least I'm not writing slash. I don't even want to know how that would turn out right now. Things would probably end up places where they didn't belong...
Will, I'm sorry if I mangled that.
Who is this wench, and why does she get an exclusive pass to Queen's Japanese tea party? She's not even Japanese.
I have a 2nd favorite Japanese ornithic jacket.
Those awards scare me right now. They look like nightmares.
I just don't know. There's so much here but there's so little in my head that I just can't think of anything. I know I'm missing jocular treasures, and it's awful, this impotence.
Is it wrong that I find garish '70's sweaters incredibly attractive?
This whole setup just looks so wrong.
A further enstallment of the Rogerian hand series. I know there's something uproariously funny here, but I just can't grasp it. He also reminds me of someone, but I cannot for the life of me think of whom.
Faisant leurs courses, ces pédés.. Oh, I'm so mean.
I love Roger here, with those shoes. John is looking very effeminate. Brian has his hand in his crotch and is practically assaulting Roger with that leg. I wonder why he looks so ansty.
I will do this one captional justice someday, I promise.
Queen says bye-bye. And so should I.