quotes from tonight's conversation and from overheardintheoffice.com

Jul 13, 2007 01:02

Woman holding inhaler: So I just cock it and suck on it?
Nurse: You might not want to put it just that way.

Female manager to frustrated sales rep: Just put your big girl panties on and deal with it!
Business owner, over her shoulder: Oh, oh! Stern words from Miss Kello-Kitty-pants!

Peon: Uh, Jim, do you have anywhere I can put a floppy dick? ... Uh... Disk?
Jim: Niiice.

Coworker #1: Hey, can you download this script for me: 'I'm in Hell.'
Coworker #2: Oh my god, what happened? You were fine just a second ago! What's that script you want called?
Coworker #1: 'I'm in Hell,' and I'm fine.
Coworker #2: That's weird, having a script called 'I'm fine' when you're in Hell.
Coworker #1: No, not 'I'm fine' -- 'I'm in Hell.'
Coworker #2: Seriously? What's going on?!
Coworker #1: The script is 'I'm in Hell.' And I'm fine.
Coworker #2: Wait, what?
Coworker #1: [Sighs.]
Boss: This is lamest edition of 'Who's on first?' I've ever heard.

kevin (1:34:46 AM): "Hey dude, I left my dick inflater, you guys have it?"

The Metric Rebel (1:53:41 AM): and now!
The Metric Rebel (1:53:50 AM): for 10,000 points!
The Metric Rebel (1:53:54 AM): here is your question
The Metric Rebel (1:54:08 AM): what GMU department has more feuds than Europe in the Middle Ages?
thefemalesays (1:54:10 AM): ooh!
thefemalesays (1:54:10 AM): ooh!
thefemalesays (1:54:13 AM): pick me!
thefemalesays (1:54:15 AM): *hand up*
The Metric Rebel (1:54:21 AM): Cristina!
thefemalesays (1:54:27 AM): THE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT!
The Metric Rebel (1:54:36 AM): that's r... what?
thefemalesays (1:54:32 AM): ...oh wait
thefemalesays (1:54:38 AM): umm...
thefemalesays (1:54:44 AM): the english department?
thefemalesays (1:54:45 AM): no wait
thefemalesays (1:54:46 AM): i know this
thefemalesays (1:54:48 AM): i KNOW this
thefemalesays (1:54:50 AM): OH!
thefemalesays (1:54:56 AM): the m....ath department?
The Metric Rebel (1:55:09 AM): *pulls lever*
The Metric Rebel (1:55:18 AM): *16-ton weight falls on your head*
thefemalesays (1:55:15 AM): wait, it's muuuuuuuuuuuuuu....!
thefemalesays (1:55:24 AM): *crunch*
The Metric Rebel (1:55:32 AM): ...
The Metric Rebel (1:55:37 AM): the fuck did you do to my weight!?
thefemalesays (1:55:45 AM): i was hungry.
The Metric Rebel (1:55:50 AM): spit it out!
thefemalesays (1:55:50 AM): NO.
thefemalesays (1:55:52 AM): *chews*
The Metric Rebel (1:55:56 AM): YES!
The Metric Rebel (1:55:59 AM): (very nice, btw)
thefemalesays (1:55:58 AM): *chews some more*
thefemalesays (1:55:59 AM): (thank you)
thefemalesays (1:56:08 AM): *swallows*
The Metric Rebel (1:56:17 AM): ...
thefemalesays (1:56:14 AM): HHAHAHAHAHA
thefemalesays (1:56:20 AM): thefemalesays: *swallows*
thefemalesays (1:56:21 AM): LMAO
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