Apr 02, 2007 13:56
It bugs the HELL out of me when people use an extraordinary number of punctuation marks for no particular reason. Here's an example from a conversation I attempted to have with an individual after I got home from work today:
"u alredy ate???? were did u eat at?????"
It took a moment for my brain to process exactly what it was that I had just read. Then the combination of exasperation and anger writhing within me manifested itself in the form of my forehead meeting the hard wood of my desk.
The funny thing is, it wasn't the substitution of the letter "u" for the word "you" that bothered me. It wasn't the misspelling of the word "already," nor was it the common mixup of "where" and "were." It wasn't the preposition at the end of the last sentence. It wasn't even the font of the text - surprising, since it managed to be garish, overdone, and painful despite the fact that you could HARDLY READ IT.
No, it was the fact that the person who had typed these misspelled, grammatically-incorrect words in a proudly bright neon green Desdemona-font text was now apparently FREAKING OUT because not only had I already eaten, but it was IMPERATIVE that she find out where I had "eaten at."
...Chill the fuck out.