Since today is Valentine's Day I thought I'd take the opportunity to picspam Misha getting some love
Jensen loves Misha
Jensen loves to give Misha love letters
Jared loves Misha
Jared really loves Misha
Jim loves Misha
Birds love Misha
Monkeys love Misha
Sam loves Castiel
Sam loves to hug Castiel
Dean loves to give Castiel something special
And, of course, I love Misha. Much to Jared's disappointment ;)
1. Unknown
2. Unknown
3. Unknown
4. Unknown
5. SPN Gag Reel
caithream here 7. @mishacollins
8. @mishacollins
squishyball here 10.
timey_wimey_kid here 11. SPN Gag Reel
hils here If you believe the source is incorrect on this post, or if this is your image and you do not wish it to be used here, please contact the mods: dailymisha @