Day 154

Jun 12, 2011 06:52

Misha sez:

"Talk to the hand, baby!"

Nashcon pics, Nashcon pics, Nashcon pics.  Everybody's doin' it.  Yet somehow, I doubt that anyone will be bored with yet another set of Misha-at-Nashcon images, as:

(a) there were so many photography sources;
(b) Misha was in fine form that weekend; and
(c) . . . it's Misha.

And, as we all know, one can never have too much Misha!

Misha does a lot of "talking" with his hands -- something I hadn't really noticed before, but, in qthelights's photo set, it's blazingly obvious. There was a hella lot of palm-flapping, gesturing, and digital action going on.  It's lucky that boy's got such pretty paws. 

Hockey player thumbs . . . and concert pianist fingers.  Just the sort of incongruity that leads one to theorize that this "Misha Collins" person is indeed a tulpa, a creature cobbled together of ridiculously pretty spare parts, wicked wit, and burning hot sex appeal, then brought to awesome life by the fangirls.

"Talk to the hand."   I prefer to view this pose as Misha's virtual bitchslap to the imbeciles who made it necessary for him to require police protection at Nashcon.  And that's all I've got to say about that.

(For y'all purists, the original, un-cropped images are here, here, and here.)

Source:  The most excellent Nashcon photography  of
qthelights (cropping by me.)

If you believe the source is incorrect on this post, or if this is your image and you do not wish it to be used here, please contact the mods: dailymisha @

nashville con 2011, poster: cassiopeia7

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