Doing a round-up of everything from the end of March and all of April! Going from newest to oldest!
Super casual kuro coordinate that I'm wearing today just because I wanted to feel cute. I also wanted to wear the headdress I made last night
Dress, Choker and Headdress: Handmade by Me
Makeup Shot
Casual oldschool-esque coordinate I wore to go out for breakfast and run errands with my fiance sunday morning!
Dress: Handmade by Me! I actually hand stitched this one in pretty much its entirety!
Makeup Shot:
A really goth coordinate that I wore on Thursday to go to the doctor's. I felt like being cute but *~edgy*~
Everything is offbrand.
Coordinate I wore for the teaparty at the William Penn on Sunday of Tekko! I wish I could've gotten a better picture of this coordinate :(
Dress, Bow, Ouija Planchette Necklace, Eyeball Ring:Handmade by Me
Everything Else: Offbrand.
Saturday's coordinate! Belt and headdress are handmade by me, everything else is offbrand. I wish I'd gotten better shots of my coords at Tekko but I never remembered to take them in the morning and I was just EXHAUSTED by the end of the day.
A quick coordinate I threw on to test out my lace up bat-belt. Next time I try to make something like this, I'll put boning in it, for SURE.
Skirt & Belt: Handmade by Me
Everything Else: