Hi ya'll!
I realize I haven't posted in a while, so here are a couple recent coords that I actually got pictures of ^_^
This was my Winter ILD coord last year. It was a pretty chilly night, but I got to dress my lil sis up too and make her my loli-accomplice (lone lolita out here xD). These heels are wool-lined so even though I wasn't quite sold with how much they fit the coord, I forced 'em in for warmth.
(derpy make-up shot on the bus)
Skirt: AATP
Coat, rose headpiece, amazing bag: Restyle
Everything else: offbrand
And here is a gothic coord I wore over the weekend to do karaoke!
Skirt: Dear Celine
Blouse: offbrand
Peignoir: Angels Heart (Taobao)
Wrist cuffs: Bodyline
Tights, shoes, hair accessories: offbrand
I have more days off now so I will be able to wear lolita a lot more. I'm pretty excited about further experiments :)
Thank you for looking!