Hi all,
I want to share a few outfits with you from 2014.
I was in Japan from March 2014 to June 2015 and my lolita style went through some huge changes.
Firstly, this is a photo from the end of 2012.
Onto 2014 outfits...
Buying a white underdress from Victorian Maiden after purchasing an over-dress a year and a half before.
Using the above mentioned underdress and twinning Victorian Maiden Rococo Bouquet with a friend.
Throughout the year I tried to use my own hair, used less make-up and stopped using contacts.
Then, when the weather got warm in August I cut my hair.
I'm really heading towards a more toned down style. So, this is probably the last time I'll be wearing something this sweet. This was taken at a Toei Kyoto Studio theme park.
Before I went back to Australia for my friends wedding in October I cut my hair again.
I went out with two other girls all dressed in chocolate prints to go and eat chocolate.
The five year anniversary tea party for the Kyoto Baby, the Stars Shine Bright store. It was so much fun.
Finally, a week before I left I got to meet Misako Aoki for the first time. It was somewhat surreal and she was so really beautiful and sweet.
Now I'm back in Australia in my really small town so I haven't worn lolita since I've come home. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do so when I go to the city in October. In anycase, I feel as though my style is still changing so I'm looking forward to the rest of 2015 and where my lolita journey will take me.
Happy Frilling everyone...