Left Coord:
Blouse: H&M ♥ Vest: Forever 21 ♥ Skirt: Vintage ♥ Hairband: Kidsyoyo ♥ Wristcuffs: Bodyline ♥ Socks/Shoes: Offbrand ♥
I am incredibly pleased with how my hair looks in this photo, it's that elusive diamond shape that the curls systematically refuse to arrange themselves in in favour of lumps. I'd actually like this coord a lot more if I could somehow incorporate more of the peachy beige of the blouse (the discrepancy doesn't show up as much in the photo for some reason, but in real life the colour is a great deal more vibrant than the vest and skirt, which irks me to no end).Mixing whites is incredibly fun though.
Right Coord:
Blouses: Vintage ♥ Vest: Forever 21 ♥ Skirt: Vintage ♥ Hairband: Kidsyoyo/Claire's ♥ Socks/Shoes: Offbrand ♥
Arranging the photos like this is kind of funny because I look like I'm glaring at myself. I'm a bit on the fence on labelling this coord as lolita, seeing as the sheer amount of layers deteriorates the integrity of the silhouette. But at the same time most of the rules/guidelines to the fashion are still more or less closely observed. If it's the coords are too out there, please tell me and I will remove them. A lot of my coord ideas have been very cult-party informed recently and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it to be honest. (On a completely unrelated note, I really need to stop layering so much because holy shit I was sweating like a pro-athlete's nutsack).