It's been a while since I last posted to D_l, and recently I've been really trying to put in the effort to take outfit photos. So there's quite a few pictures in here.
This one is from the first of December, I'd recently got some new boots so I wanted a cosy warm outfit to wear them with.
Skirt, Boots, Socks: Bodyline
Cardigan: btssb
blouse, head-dress, collar: Offbrand
International Lolita Day outfit
Skirt, Boots: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand
An attempt at sweet Lolita! I'm still not really sure sweet suits me, but nevermind. The weather sort of ruined my hair here.
Skirt, blouse, socks: Bodyline
Cardigan: btssb
everything else: Offbrand
Jacket: Bodyline
JSK: Handmade by me
Everything else: Offbrand
An outfit to go shopping in.
Boots, socks: Bodyline
JSK: Handmade by me
Cardigan: btssb
Everything else: Offbrand
Finally, here is yesterdays outfit.
Boots, Skirt, Jacket: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand