Outfits from October

Nov 10, 2013 22:04

Starting from the most recent and working back~

My friend ran into a new lolita by chance at a grocery store, so we all went out for drinks and sushi together C: I had a lot fun and now we have our 3rd frilly musketeer! :3

Headdress: handmade by my friend
Shawl, socks: eBay
Blouse, shoes: bodyline
JSK: btssb
Tights: H&M

This past weekend was Tucson Comic Con! It was my first year going and I had a blast! This outfit was for day 2, which also was the day that the All Souls Procession (our cities local Dia De Los Muertos celebration) was held. Since they were both on the same side of town, I decided to make an outfit suitable for both occasions.

This was my first time not only doing makeup like this, but participating in the All Souls Procession! It was fun to finally have a weekend off to be involved in the local events that are a part if my heritage! Plus, event like this give others a chance to learn about the local culture around here and be able to participate in it too! C:

Headdress: handmade by me
Blouse, socks: bodyline
JSK: We're All Mad Here
Unicorn bag, shoes: Angelic Pretty

During the first day of ComicCon I forgot to get a photo of my outfit, but I DID get a cool photo of myself against a green screen with lightning bolt powers! XP

Blouse: bodyline
Accessories: handmade, sanrio and offbrand
Headbow, JSK, shoes: Angelic Pretty
Socks, tights: eBay

Unfortunately I didn't get ANY good outfit pictures from the Halloween Events I went to, but basically I dressed up as a witch for my besties Halloween Party with Twinkle Witch by Angelic Pretty,

A witch again for work and handing out candy on halloween (bodyline dress with twinkle witch accessories since I work at a pre school...just in case there was an "accident" or something),

And my not-quite-finished Queen of Hearts outfit for going to the pumpkin patch.

Fortunately most days when I DO remember to take an outfit photo, they come out better haha

This outfit was what I wore for my second job. We were stationed at the Blues Festival! So I made good tips AND I got to listen to great music all day! :D and the great thing about working a food stand at events like these, is that all the other food vendors give each other free food! The lemonade guy even gave me specifically pink lemonade because of my hair :3

Derp photo but you can kinda see my makeup and my hair before the wind destroyed it ;p

OP: metamorphose

This is one of my favorite more recent outfits. I got to get all cute and dressed up for my boyfriends band who had a show! It was my first time seeing everyone play together and it was a lot of fun! I can't wait for the next show!

Headdress: handmade
Blouse, belt, tights: offbrand
JSK, necklace: Clockwork Rose Boutique
Shoes: bodyline

Pearl helped me with my makeup so we would both look pretty for the show :3

One of my friends from my old work and I went to the zoo to see the new Grizzly Bears that had just arrived! I love bears! I had been looking foreword to their zoo debut for over a month! I have been so excited! :D naturally I had to have a bear inspired outfit.

JSK: Btssb
Shoes: bodyline
The bear hat was made several years ago by someone here on livejournal...I really wish I could remember who it was!
[i had also bought my panda bag from this very zoo about 5 years ago. Everyone asks where I got it whenever I go there, so I'm really surprised they no longer well anything similar to it anymore]

Then after the zoo we are pizza, played games, and rode on the carousel. Unfortunately the little kids took all the big horses so I got stuck on one that was way too small for me...

Then here's something for a simple day of chores and errands.
JSK: btssb
Blouse: bodyline

Another boring day off of chores and errands...sometimes I have a hard time making my hair match my coords :/
JSK: btssb
Blouse: bodyline

And the very first week of october I went to Canada for my cousins wedding. I wore lolita every day, but this is the only photo I got. We were too busy with preparations for the wedding to do much else.

Sadly my hair looked nice until we went to Niagara Falls. There was so much mist everywhere my hair was ruined in minuets. And the only photo I got my little sister ruined with bunny ears...so this was payback lol

And finally, the outfit I wore the first day of our trip up to Canada. Really simple, but still cute and comfy!

Skirt: We're All Mad Here

Jeeze I can't believe how fast my roots grow out...

Anyways I hope you liked them sorry for the mega long post~

If you're interested I update my tumblr a lot more often then here! XP

colour: black, hair: short, jsk, skirt, *bodyline*, *handmadebyme*, *offbrand*, *angelic pretty*, babydoll/empire waist, colour: lavender, *replica*, !casual, bodyline, *indie brand*, petti: a-line, op, !bittersweet, colour: pink x black, hair: blonde, !ott sweet, *metamorphose*, ankle socks, colour: pink (pastel), hair: unnatural colours, hair: no bangs, colour: cream, bare legs, hair: natural, hair: black, !classic, colour: brown x cream, hair: wigs, colour: purple, *handmade*, !gothic, solid colour, handmade, sweet lolita, *btssb*

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