So here is a collection of most of the outfits I have worn throughout this year, some are better then others but hey what do. Over the year I've tried adding more colours to my wardrobe and being a little less safe with my co-ords sometimes they worked other times they didn't so Con crit is very welcome. Don't pull any punches I can't improve with a hugbox.
Halloween Nosferatu & Dawn till Dusk Screening (Oct '12)
Just a simple spooky coord for an event me and a fellow Lolita went too.
JSK: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline
Eye-patch: Handmade
Thought Bubble (Nov '12)
Skirt: Metamorphose
Shoes: Bodyline
Accesories: Handmade
Hyper Japan Day One (Nov '12)
This was the first time wearing my parody print Little Bears Brewery, simple outfit for the Friday
Skirt: Handmade
Everything else: Off-brand
Hyper Japan Day 2 -Daytime- (Nov '12)
Unfortunately my petticoat deflated in the morning due to heavy rain walking to the event, but you can't control the weather and the day was still fun.
Skirt: Handmade
Rose Headband: Handmade
Everything else: Off-brand
Hyper Japan Day Two -Evening- (Nov '12)
A simple outfit for an Italian meal with my fellow Leeds folk and some of the London girls. Unfortunately we got caught in the rain.
Skirt: Handmade
Everything else: Off-brand
Hyper Japan Day Three (Nov '12)
Skirt: Putumayo
Hat: Bodyline
Everything else: Off-brand
J-pop Night (Mar '13)
A simple outfit for a night out with the Leeds girls.
Skirt: Handmade
Hat: Bodyline
Everything else: Off-brand
St Patrick's Day (Mar '13)
The theme of the meet as green obviously, unfortunately my tights and blouse photographed more blue then expected. This meet was also the morning after the J-pop meet so we were all very tired.
Skirt: Metamorphose
Rose Headband: Handmade
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Off-brand
Lolita's of Leeds Geek Meet (Apr '13)
So we had a geek meet and after a lot of deliberation I choose to do a co-ord based on The Labyrinth which is one of the greatest films EVER!. I love this print and will be making more dresses and JSK in it.
Skirt: Handmade
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand
International Loliday (Jun '13)
Skirt: Handmade
Hat: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Off-brand
A Friend's Birthday meet up (Jul '13)
Skirt: Bodyline
Shoes: Converse
Bag: Taobao
Everything else: Off-brand
Spot's & Stripe York Meet (Jul '13)
Skirt: Bodyline
Shoes: Converse
Bag: Taobao
Everything else: Off-brand
Manchester MCM (Jul ' 13)
Skirt: Bodyline
Shoes: Converse
Bag: Taobao
Everything else: Off-brand & Chocomint
Lolita's of Leeds Rainbow Meet (Aug '13)
Dress: Enchantilic Enchantilly
Shoes: Bodyline
Bag: Angelic Pretty
Rose Headband: Handmade
Everything else: Offbrand
TPCs Frock On (Aug '13)
Skirt: Handmade
Shoes: Bodyline
Bag: Handmade
Hat: Handmade
Everything else: Offbrand
A farewell meet for 2 international friends (Sept '13)
Skirt: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand & Chocomint
Halloween meet (Oct '13)
Dress: Enchantilic Enchantilly
Shoes: Bodyline
Bonnet: Millefleurs
Everything else: Offbrand
Lolita's of Leeds "Friending Meet" (Oct '13)
Skirt: Metamorphose
Shoes: Converse
Socks: Metamorphose
Everything else: Off-brand
TPCs Calendar shoot (Nov'13)
Dress: Enchantilic Enchantilly
Shoes: Bodyline
Socks: Alice & the Pirates
Bonnet: Millefleurs
Everything else: Offbrand
Cheers for looking at my outfits guys :) Hopefully it won't be another year till I post again.
Thanks to Michaela, Jo, Florrie, Noor, Hannah, Gina, Iggie and Beccy for the photos