I probably should have made this post earlier this year because I've amassed quite a large amount of coords that I've never posted. As coords go I mostly enjoy sweet but I also like to mix it up with gothic or classic every now and then.
Outfit details: From the second Athens meetup
-Dress, headbow, and tights: Day Dream Carnival by Angelic Pretty
-Shoes, wig, and blouse: Bodyline
-Accessories: Offbrand
Outfit details: From the first Ice Skating meetup
-Salopette, blouse and socks: Angelic Pretty
-Wristcuffs, jewelry: Offbrand
-Backpack: Sanrio
Outfit details: From Momocon 2013
-Dress: Shooting Star a la Mode by BTSSB
-Shoes and wig: Bodyline
-Socks, shirt, and accessories: Offbrand
Outfit details: From the Shironuri meetup
-Dress: Queen Marie OP by AatP
-Tights, accessories: Offbrand
-Wig: Arda
-Shoes: Demonia heels altered by me
-Bonnet: Handmade by me
Outfit details: From the Alpaca farm meetup (fuzzy wuzziest puppy)
-Apron Skirt and socks: Angelic pretty
-Blouse: Metamorphose
-Accessories: Offbrand and handmade
Outfit details: From the Frill Fashion Walk
-Headbow, dress, socks: Cherry Berry Bunny by Angelic Pretty
-Shoes: Secret Shop
-Accessories: Chocomint and offbrand
-Wig: Minty Mix
Outfit details: Frill Outfit Day 1
-JSK and headbow: Milky Planet by Angelic Pretty
-Blouse: Bodyline
-Accessories: Chocomint and offbrand
-Tights: Holly Tea Time
-Shoes: Antaina
-Bag: Loris
Outfit details: Frill Outfit Day 2
-JSK and headbow: Sugary Carnival by Angelic Pretty
-Accessories: Chocomint and offbrand
-Tights: Holly Tea Time
-Shoes: DIY sparkle shoes from shoes I found at Goodwill
-Bag: Loris
Outfit details: Frill Fashion Show Photos
(I wouldn't have included this but I own the dress now so...)
-OP and hat: Baroque
-Shoes: Antaina
Outfit details: Athens Meetup #3
-JSK: Sherlock JSK by Metamorphose
-Accessories, blouse, and shoes: Offbrand
-Tights: Innocent World Mucha tights
-Bag: Swimmer