Hi every one ! This month have been pretty long, I had my finals and can't wear lolita because I was really tired. I still manage to have some coords to show you. It's not really in chronocological order since I want to show you my Japan Expo coordi last.
First, shiro in a sweet-classic style.
JSK and cutsew : Bodyline
Bow : handmade
Something a bit more in the line of sweet, event tought it's not quite that I guess.
Bow : Fly away Fashion (bought at Japan Expo) and handmade
Blouse : vi,tage
Skirt : handmade
Last, my Japan Expo coordinate. I wanted to do something pretty OTT, and I mixed a little bit of mori with it by adding the shawl, lace and roses.
Credit : Coded Cams
Bonnet and pearl charms : handmade
Flower crown : Fly away Fashion
Shawl : vintage
Jsk : Victorian Maiden
Wrist cuffs and bag : Baby the stars shine bright
Parasol : Alice and the Pirates
OTK : Innocent World
Blouse and shoes : offbrand
This close up show very well all vibrant shade of pink of this dress. You can see the details of this headpieces, lace, roses and shawl. With my dear friend Lola.
Credits : Anstellos
I had a lot of fun once again at Japan Expo, I met a lot of nice people and I can't wait to go again next year <3
Please, read my blog entry (both in French and English) to see more photos :
Blog Thanks for reading !