Hi guys! Lillith here, and I'd like to share some of my coords. I am quite sorry if I did anything wrong! >.<'
This was an outfit from a few weeks ago with one of favorites, Vampire Prelude!
On this day, I attended a local Art Walk.
This was an outfit for school.
These were from a photoshoot in a very lovely local park.
Another outfit for school!
Another one of my Lolita passions; bittersweet.
And here's today's outfit for a meeting with my production designer!
And that's all! I apologize that this post is quite long... but, regardless, if you like my outfits, please check out my tumblr! I wear Lolita every day, and I post a daily outfit almost every day. :)
http://misslillith.tumblr.com/(I am also on other social media, all the links are on my tumblr)
Thank you!