hi! here you have a lot of pictures of me doing the exact same pose in a lot of different outfits and a lot of different mirrors. enjoy my ramblings!!!
jsk & bow from baby (this was my first lolita jsk and i love it so much especially the religious kitschy motif)
petite patisserie for a day out shoplifting some bling at ginatricot
i wore this to my cousins birthday. felt like a freak among her posh friends but w/e. glass bottle of tears 4 da haters
i wore this to go on an airplane. stupid idea. little bears cafe by some replicamaker i will burn in hell for this
dyed my hair pink and forgot to tie my shoes happy easter
wore black to go practice on my dj skills. op from mam and bonnet from iw.
wow look a pic someone else tooK! winter meetup with da girls & boy here in sthlm so i wore clothes
and now it is spring wow time flies i am wearing baby bag, jsk & blouse. this is outside of the cafe i work at by the way come get your wienerbröd here!
wow look a picture not from my instagram! meetup after tv4 decided yohio brought lolita fashion to sweden. i am actually really angry i just look really kawaii cuz im cute like dat
looking sassy with usakumya and a homemade dress at a spring meetup
peace love & understanding i hope you are having a great spring cuz i am! thanks to all great new lolitas i have met!
here is my tumblr *attention whore 4 life* bye