Three Outfits from the last weekend of July
At the last weekend of July was one of the biggest German Anime Conventions: The Animagic in Bonn.
I attended all three days.
Friday, the first day was so extreme hot, that I only wore something casual, but I think the pith helmet fit the temperature^^
Casual Steampunk Lolita - Explorer
Picture was taken by Lady Luching
skirt: Bodyline
bag: ebay
shirt: thirfted (originally H&M)
pith helmet: ebay
sun glasses: vintage
goggles: self modified by my boyfriend and me
On Saturday I was part of the lolita fashion show. I represented Steampunk Lolita *yay*
My outfit was quite similar to the one I wore
the year before, but I changed some details like the socks (unfortunately you can't see the garters...)
picture was taken by nachbarnebenan
shoes: Deichmann
socks: H&M
skirt: self-made
bag: self modified (NanuNana)
corset: draculaclothing
blouse: off-brand
jabot: Bodyline
The last day was reserved for something special some friends and I were planning for quite a long time, sadly only we two were finished (you might know
Pichu skirt already. In fact we are planning the whole set of Eeveelutions for the next year.
Pokémon Lolita - Eevee and Pichu!
picture by Cosbase
I just love the picture! The story behind it: I wanted to buy an Eeevee Plushy at the convention. Pandaheaven had given up searching for a pichu already, but we enden up finding that giant Pichu but no Eevee, not even a small one >_<
(If you have one and are willing to sell it, just let me know ;) )
skirts are handprinted
you can find a picture of the whole print
here on my tumblr Pandaheaven:
blouse: Bodyline
bag: Bodyline
tights: Karstadt
shoes: An*tai*na
T-Shirt: Taobao
tights: Primark
shoes: Lovelyshoes
rest is off-brand
I hope you like it! Con-crit is very welcome as always!