Hi everyone!Long time no see again!!
Everyone is having a nice summer vacation now, am I right^^?
Heavy pics this time, as always> And let's get it started~
1. Pop colors casual outfit
Top: Candy Stripper
Skirt: ManiaQ
Necklace: Chocomint
Other stuff: Offbrand
2.Mori kei outfit for an afternoon walk^^
Sorry for my awkwardness*v*
Under dress: Vintage
Headbow: AatP
Shoes: Dazzlin
Other stuff: Offbrand
3. Cream x Black x Red
OMG I finally got my dream Bambi print>v<
it's tooo cute to be true
Blouse: Dear Celine
Cardigan: BTSSB
Shoes: Bodyline
Other stuff: Offbrand
4.Black x White x Gold
I really did some weird braid that day XDDD
JSK&Headbow: BTSSB
Blouse: Dear Celine
cardigan: Axes Femme
Bag: Innocent World
Accessories: Chocomint & handmade
Shoes: Bodyline
Close up:
5. Cream Yellow & Pink
Oh my beloved Cupcake& cutlery>333< Just cannot have enough of it!!
Bag: ETC
Jacket: Milk
Other stuff: Offbrand and handmade
6.Sax x Pink x Red
Parfait print is also one of my favorites! Simple and yummy and very ETC~
cardigan: H&M
bag: AP
cutsew: Bodyline
Accessories: Chocomint and handmade
Close up
7. cream x red x black
Bambi print again>v< Love the way that it is so wearable and cute at the same time
Blouse: Vintage
Bag: IW
8. Pink x Red x Black
Sorry for the wound make-up which is so not IW *A*
And I personally like the way the hairstyle looked that day:) And I tried to do the red x green eye make-up to match the print*v*
blouse: Dear Celine
Cardigan:Axes Femme
Shoes: Bodyline
Other stuff: Offbrand
Close up
9. Off-white outfit for ScRew's live on the 1st day of UPPCON12
I really didn't wanna wear prints or dark color for the live so I decided to have off-white from head to toes:) And it proofed that the decision was not bad at all XDDD
Blouse: Dear celine
Headbow: AatP
underskirt: Pink house
Over camisole: Jill Stuart
Bag: IW
Shoes: Dazzlin
Accessories: BTSSB and handmade
With my dear friends Elsa and Mimi^^ OMG girls you are just too sweet and adorable!!
10. Pirates outfit for the fashion show on the 2nd day of UPPCON12
in my Treasure hunt in the Mystic Island JSK and handmade rose eye patch>v<
I think this is the my favorite print of the year:)
Blouse: Surface spell
Hat: Self decorated
Eye patch: handmade
Eye patch on and off =v=
Close up:
11.Pastel color otome
Outfit yesterday:)
Tights: ManiaQ
necklace:handmade by a darling friend
Close up:
Yay that's pretty much about the outfits I'd like to share with you this time^^
Thanks always for your time and watching❤❤❤!!
BTW I'm still doing my closet cleaning out and it is HUGE *O*)/
Mostly price reduced or negotiable:) And I will keep updating to post some new items for sale there
If it is not bordering you please check my LJ sale post and help me~
http://smilyiris.livejournal.com/677.html See U next time♪~