7.10.: birthday-dinner
Everything offbrand, except for Meta-bag, Bodyline-skirt and ling_lam-shoes.
8.10.: Tanzwut-concert
Jabot (which you can't see...): marble, dress is handmade, shoes are ling_lam, the rest is offbrand.
22.10.: 1. Viennese slut walk
Everything offrbrand again, except for the Angelic Pretty-skirt.
22.10.: steampunk revue
The skirt is F+F, everything else is offbrand.
23.10.: Kamikaze-Girls-cinema-party and ice hockey-party
I tried to curl my short hair for the first time. Not quite sure if I like the outcome.
Bag is Meta, dress is Rare Editions, the rest is offbrand.
Bigger picture to show my curls.
Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!