A fair few coords - for me that is

Oct 06, 2011 22:48

I've been going to a few meets recently as well as finding excuses to break out the frills!

Cardigan/Blouse/Shoes/Bag = Offbrand
Skirt/Socks = Innocent World
Headbow = Handmade

Blouse = HmHm
Cardigan/Accessories = Offbrand
Skirt/Socks = Angelic Pretty
Boots = Vintage

Headbow = Bodyline
Cutsew = ETC
Cardigan/Bag/Shoes/Socks = Offbrand
JSK = Angelic Pretty

This coord was for an International Talk Like a Pirate Day meet - although I think I was pushing the pirate, but hopefully passed for nautical.  The following pic is my fav, but the pic above is a better outfit shot.

Blouse = Metamorphose
Cardigan = Angelic Pretty
Skirt/headbow = Bodyline
Shoes = Secret Shop
Socks/accessories = Offbrand

Blouse = Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Cardigan/socks/Jewellery = Offbrand
Skirt/Headbow = Angelic Pretty
Shoes = Secret Shop

Headbow/Skirt/Socks = Angelic Pretty
Blouse/Shoes = Offbrand


Thanks for looking!

colour: pink x black, *metamorphose*, !sweet, *handmadebyme*, *offbrand*, *innocent world*, *angelic pretty*, colour: cream x black, *hmhm*, !classic, colour: red, *emily temple cute*, !casual, *indie brand*, *secret shop*, !bittersweet, *btssb*, colour: mint, !sailor

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