It just happened that the mail brought this Bodyline set, R-series order and the bonnet in the same day so naturally this had to happen. :D
Skirt + vest: Bodyline
Shirt: R-series
Bonnet: Mrs Parker's Millinery & Mercantile
Boots: Bodyline
All else: off-brand
Whatever I'm looking at was probably very interesting. :D
Dress + headdress: selfmade
Shirt: off-brand
Shoes: Dinsko
Necklace: vintage
All else: off-brand
Apologies about the derp face, this is what I wore in the Independence Day. A lady took a photo of me and introduced herself, and to this day I'm not certain if I ended up in the Lufthansa in-flight magazine article on Iceland.
Dress + mini hat: VM Beth
Socks: Innocent World
Shoes: Dinsko
All else: off-brand/selfmade
The last outfit's casual to the maxx. I'm still not sure if socks would have looked nicer than just tights, or whether I should have added something to my hair. However, seeing that I had been invited to a party (and specifically asked to dress up in lolita) where I knew there'd be two cats (I'm allergic) and people smoking indoors I had to make sure that whatever I wore could go to the wash right afterwards. That kept the style rather minimalistic with the mindset that the less I had to clean afterwards the better...
OP + shoes: Bodyline
Bolero: off-brand
Thank you for watching!