Did u know last sunday was International Friki day? Me neither XD But in order to celebrat, we organize a march...
but we were only 15 persons T-T
Still, we walk bye the streets, singing anime themes and making a lot of noise XD.
I wear Hime, 'cause I wanted everyone to notice me. Some persons even tough I was in cosplay ¬¬
So, here you have the photos:
I'm using a little mor make up this time.
Dress: Bodyline.
Everything else: Offbrand
Here u can see a little better my face, my hair and my wirstcuffs.
And here one more photo:
Big big mistake. This was pretty fun. I tough water will ruin my hair, but I used so much hairspray, that that dind'n happen XD. But now i have a terrible cold u_u. Stil, it was fun XD