I moved to Helsinki last Monday and started a new school on Tuesday so this has been an interesting week! : ) And I've dressed up every day!
Well then, onto my outfits:
Tuesday - first day of school
VEEERY bad picture though and I don't like it at all as much as I did then. The socks seem so off and my legs look awful. :<<
Anyway, JSK is handmade, cardigan Baby, socks Bodyline and shoes SS.
After school Myrsky (
miyasa ) came over to my place and drank tea and gossiped and made that EPIC bodyline order to celebrate mr. Yans' birthday. : D
Bolero is Vero Moda, cutsew, skirt and ribbon Bodyline, socks H&M and boots Seppälä.
Thursday - Tea with
flopsyfluff after school
The pink SS teaparties in the background should be added to my feet, thank you. : D
Blouse is AH, Skirt AatP, Bag mashimaro_girl and socks Baby. : )
Friday - School + party
What i wore for the get-to-know-each-other party in the evening:
Not exatcly lolita but I really like how it turned out! There's a Seppälä cardi, Mango shirt, MONKI skirt, H&M ballerinas+belt and Tralala bag.
My new shoes that can be sene on the floor would've been epic for this but I'm not very good at walking in them yet. XD They're like 12cm. : D
Thank you for reading/looking! : )