Jul 17, 2007 16:28
I am so tiered today. I haven't done all that much either. I am also very alone. This house is too big to be in by myself. Though I do enjoy having the time to myself and doing some things on my own with out having to ask or tell my parents what I'm up to. I was thinking today about what would happen if my parents weren't to make it home from their trips. What would I do? Out of the three of us children, I would be the one most screwed because the house is where I live. the house would probably have to be sold cause there is no way I could pay for it by myself.
I don't know where I would go. Makes me realize how very dependent on my parents I am right now. I also find it scary. To think that in the few seconds it takes for a car to be crushed or a plane to crash, my life would be thrown spinning like a tire swing. It makes me dizzy and sick just thinking about it. We have been preparing my grandmother for the inevitable and anything unpredictable that could happen to her, but what about us?
You never know when you might die or something worse. Yet how does someone prepare for such a thing? This house that I love so much would be taken from me before I could even think of a way to prevent it. So many of the things I love would be sold and to worse owners. There is no way I could stay in the area. It would be so scary.
So what does this all mean in the end? Only that life goes as quickly as it comes and sometimes unexpectedly. Preparation is part of living well and not worrying is part of living long. heh, how cliche. Yet all of life is cliche because anything said like that is true. There is no "secret" to living life long and well, because we all already know it. It's in laughing and loving and feeling even if it is pain. It is all part of everything that makes up what we call life on this planet, in this time, on this plain of existence.