You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: want dick
You: I bet you do.
Stranger: how big are u
You: You assume I'm male? Why?
Stranger: u a girl
You: Do you think so?
Stranger: what u want me to be
You: Smarter.
Stranger: i have 3 phds lol
You: Really? It doesn't show one bit.
Stranger: its words hard to show
Stranger: and i can tell you they ant in grammer or spelling
You: No way. I would have never guessed that.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: u want dick or do u think i want it
Stranger: now there is the question
Stranger: im smarter than u think
You: Is that a question? Why is there no question mark?
Stranger: want dick
Stranger: or
Stranger: want dick?
You: Close. Where is your capitalization?
Stranger: im smarted than u think lol
You: ...Really? You proved the opposite right there.
Stranger: i can be a boy or a girl
You: So you're a hermaphrodite?
Stranger: u never know
Stranger: no
You: You just said you could be both.
Stranger: im hat the other wants me to be
You: So you're a transexual?
Stranger: what*
You: What if I wanted you to be smarter? Could you do that?
Stranger: in on a computer i can be what i want
Stranger: am a man age 21
Stranger: or a girl age 12
You: What if I wanted you to be a woman who was 50 years of age, owned a small home in New Zealand and made rent by sleeping around with drunk men?
Stranger: boom
Stranger: u want a smokers hack lol
Stranger: raspy voice
You: No way. A soft, motherly voice would be better.
Stranger: cugar ok i can do that
Stranger: hay baby i need reny money 50$ and u can have what u want
Stranger: rent
You: That would have been so much better if you had used proper grammar and spellng.
You: Try again.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.