The Change of My Drawing

May 09, 2015 12:44

Hello minna ! hisashiburi ne ~How are you ? genki desuka ?? after long time I do not post anything at my journal ..this time I want to show you my drawing..I think my drawing change time to time..I so glad cause I have a improvement in drawing ..but not really good enough (*・´ω`・*) and I still learning to get more better (。・∀・)9 yoshhh !!

Saa~ mitte kudasai ! the change of my drawing (〃▽〃) and actually I hope I can improve my english I can make a friend from many different country.. (*´v`*) yoroshiku ne ~

I draw Chinen Yuri from the picture I see in magazine (I forget witch one)
(^∀^*)ゞ ahaha~
and the another one of my drawing from this year douzo ~

I don't know if I get improve this year or not ヾ(-`ω´-o)ゝhummm..I think I have make more practice ne~ (;´・Д・) =3 *sigh
I have to believe myself !! 。゚+.*(+・`ω・)9 yosshh !!

saa..jya ne ~ daa! :*:・’゜ (〃ゝ∇・)ゞ

my drawing, arioka daiki, fan art, chinen yuri, yamada ryosuke

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