Weekend from blah

Jan 23, 2006 09:18

So mom's computer took a dump on Thursday. Clicky noises could have either been from the floppy drive or harddrive (Since her old HP wouldn't let me get into CDOS (Mos?) blah, I'm drawing a blank) to check and see if it was defaulted to check the floppy drive first. Evil clicking. Anyway, by process of elimination, I discovered it was the harddrive. (Can't miss it, crack the case, feel the HD vibrate with each click. -_-) So she decided to go out a buy a new computer...another HP, sadly but nicely loaded. Dual core processors, 2 gigs of DDR2 RAM, lightscribe drive (I want one.) 320gig harddrive...and loads of other stuff, including a nicely decent video card. She'd promised if I'd gotten her old computer up and running (which I couldn't without her spending money obviously) I could spend saturday playing WoW, since I'd been invited on a guild run to Molten Core. Since that's where a quarter of my epic gear drops from, I was highly looking forward to going.

Spent all night reinstalling software on her new 'puter (as in up till almost 4 am) with her hovering over my shoulder. -_- To find out that I'm not allowed to play with it till she gets more comfortable with it. Translation "Screw you Heather." -_- So that's why I wasn't online. Sorry all. Won't be till Wednesday night either (minus work) since I'm wifesitting again. yay.

On the bright side, I made it halfway through Monstro's belly (started at the beginning of Deep Jungle) before I couldn't keep my eyes open. That was fun. *grin* My stepdad was all irritated because he can't get past Clayton and I one shotted him. Thoroughly plan on playing the two nights I'm at Dad's.
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