Job Interview

Apr 22, 2010 08:47

Quick post.

I have a job interview in 45 mins and I can't bring myself to post it on facebook. Why? Because I don't want other people to know there is a job going so that I may get it with less competition. It's petty, but I'm getting very desperate. It's just a job at Maccas, but if I don't get it then I'm out of options until June at least. It's worrying, but I am pretty optimistic about the job. Kevin from EB works there and he said he'd put in a good word for me, so with that extra bit I might land myself a job. Basically, I can't wait until next year. Sydney has 1000s of jobs, plus I'll be starting my dream uni course AND I can see Tye more often. I still don't want to leave my home or my family, though... *sigh* End post

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