OoOoOh, look at my pretty new avatar!

Aug 28, 2011 16:18

Isn't it delightful? It's by emi/10 RANKAI, my favourite NaruSasu doujinshi artist. The artwork is SO good, like ZOMG. My avatar doesn't even do it justice, I don't think. But yeah, next week I am going to splurge $40 on getting one of her doujinshi off eBay, which is one that's a Sasuke-centric story that deals with his relationships with Naruto and Itachi and such. It has vague SasuNaru elements but for the most part it's just friendship stuff, which I think is sometimes better than a romantic relationship. It's a really beautiful one-shot (Emi's doujinshi also goes for 60-300 pages, unlike most doujinshi which is only 20-40, so kudos to her) and I am so keen to get it! I won't be able to read it, of course (I have the translated version on my computer) but I want to get it now so that by the time I can speak Japanese (Post-2014 xD) I will be able to and will have a guaranteed copy! Yay!

Anyway, enough about that. I have been much, MUCH happier recently. Things are working out really well - Tyler has a job now, we're definitely moving out together next year, I got Japanese as my International Studies major, I'm getting plenty of shifts at work, I get to practice weekly creative writing at uni, etc. - and my depressive aura seems to have virtually vanished. It's so nice to not feel chronically apathetic. I don't think Tyler is as worried about me anymore, either, so that's good. Overall, life's pretty good atm and I hope it continues for a while!

Today I've been trolling for NaruSasu fanfics and whatnot, but I've grown tired of that now and I think I am torn between a desire to see Tyler and a desire to go for a walk on the beach. Sadly, neither Tyler nor the beach are nearby, so I think I'm going to do some laundry and cleaning to ease my restlessness. Then I'll have to get stuck into my readings for tomorrow, which I keep procrastinating on. -.-

I really wish I had some lj friends from anime groups I could talk to online. Give me a chance to gush about kawaii-desu-ne pairings and the recent Naruto chapter/episode. D: LJ people, MOLEST MY PAGE!

Also, Tyler and I have been watching FMA recently. We're nearly at the last disc. It's the dubbed version, of course, which is actually quite well done IMHO. FMA starts off well in its first two episodes, then by episode 20ish the plot kicks in and it becomes A-MAY-ZAAAAHHHHH! Like holy crap, SO good. I am so keen to see the end!!!

Anywho, I'm abandoning the internet now so I can do something irl. :P Love to yo faces.

life, doujinshi, anime

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