Title: Blue Tumbler
Length: Chaptered
Author: DaiichiSan
Pairing: YooSu, YunJae (Both are Main Pairing, got that?)
Rating: R, (Rare Smut Scenes will be Invisible)
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor, Angst, Romance
Warning: Mpreg
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I swear.
Summary: Babies and more pregnant men. Then more drama. Then more happy endings. Sequel
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May be something will develop between Dae-whatever and Min, lol, so will he hyphenate his last name?? DaeShim Shim-Shim?? ha ha ha, yeah I am a dork, this is what happen when I only have 5 hours of sleep a day for the last week!!!
The twinkies sound so cute, the younger seemed to be so much more mellow, while the older one that will have her parents a run for their money.
It's so good to see update, thankies.
Wow, 5 hours?? Work? ;__; REST!
Haha, twinkies...I love it.
yunjae <3 Yoosu!
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