Title: Coffee Sweet
Length: Chaptered
Warning: It's amateur, It's a light and easy read, It's a failed attempt at fluff.
Pairing: Jaeho/Yunjae, Yoosu
Genre: Fluff, Lemon?
Disclaimer: I'm bidding on eBay for Jaejoong but this jerk, YunBear66, keeps outbidding me.
Summary: Jaejoong and Yunho get ready to walk down the aisle, whilst Yoochun and
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OMG! the almost smut was damn hot!!!!!!!!And yes, finally, the magnae is showing what he's capable for pulling off...
And the smut...hahaha People who really wanted to read had to highlight to weed out the perverts hahahhahaha
Okay, what's a magnae? I only know that in latin and I don't think you meant great...Lol
Magnae of the group meaning youngest of the group. It's korean dear...
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