Title: Coffee Sweet
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Jaeho/Yunjae, Yoosu
Rating: PG? PG-13?
Genre: Fluff, Lemon?, Humor (Not...)
Disclaimer: They belong to each other. <3
Summary: Jaejoong and Yunho get ready to walk down the aisle, whilst Yoochun and Junsu prepare to welcome their baby girls into the world.
A/N: An hour or two after my last post, my computer crashed and I got Dell's infamous 'blue screen.' All the upcoming, unposted chapters for Coffee Sweet, along with all my other stories and pictures, is now gone. I bought a new laptop last night and had to return it this morning because it was defected. I am now on my second new laptop which is hopefully not going to fuck me over once more. I shit you all not, this is all true. I got f'ed in the A. My sister said it might be God's way of telling me that the ending I had written wasn't good. I think so too. I am now working extra hard to get the story done...again.
Chapter 10: Chicken Shit! ~ other previous chapters linked there.
Chapter 11: Deja Vu )