Sep 23, 2006 23:35
Well, it's been over a year since I last updated this thing, so I can't realistically post everything that's happened since then. Let's go for bullet points of the major recent events:
1) I graduated from Bristol Uni with an MSci in Physics with Astrophysics, grade 2/1.
2) I'm now an associate member of the Institute of Physics.
1+2 combine to give 3) My full name and title is now Nicholas John Macey MSci AMInstP
3) In the next month or 2, I will be starting what could well be my dream job (the long delay is due to neccessary security clearance, and high level clearance at that). I will be a computational physicist, earning £21000pa...can't complain ^^
4) I can now count Fortran among the programming languages I can use.
5) Due to 3, I get to sit around all day and not feel bad about it.
That is all