In case anyone is wondering...

Nov 05, 2007 00:28

I'm still alive. Or at least as alive as I can be these past few days.

To recap, still working. Had to clean up a room once used for storage and convert it into a weight room. Which meant relocating crap, painting up the room, putting in carpet, and installing lights into it. Also had to assemble three machines for the room, attempt to put up mirrors (and only got one mirror up. The rest exploded into little pieces thanks to my superior screwing up) and not to mention lots and lots of yelling.
Finally also patched up the leaking problems that would ruin a bunch of rooms because it rains hard. Which involved a lot of crazy crap that I don't even feel like saying right now.

Onto other more personal matters. I'm already spending a small amount of time on the internet, and it may continue to become smaller. Work itself does take up a lot of time, but lately I've been asking myself about what to do in the future. People don't normally know this, but I'm the type of guy that doesn't like thinking about it. If I do, it tends to take a negative downward spiral of emotions that causes me to go and look at the ceiling and do absolutely nothing. I've been spending at least an year already working with my father, and although I'm handling it well, the thought of finding another path constantly keeps popping up. I have no idea why, but the future just stirs bad things within me, maybe because at one point in my life I was close to ending any chance of a future for me. Along with that, I've been more angry at myself for some reason, and because my uncle, aunt, and three cousins are coming over in December, I may find myself being...well, not myself. Or it could be that I've had recent Tokusatsu withdrawal (which wouldn't make much sense, as I've bought the Den-O Wing Form belt last week) and also had a less intake of H than usual.

Maybe I just need more time to myself instead of worrying about other people.
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