uniqueness became similarity.

Mar 02, 2004 00:24

i remember when it was a reasonably unique thing to have your lip pierced...
me and tymm went and got ours done back in june. we were pretty well the only ones around who had it done. and it seemed shortly after came home after a summer away... everybody i know has it done, and if they don't have it done, then they're getting it done. it makes me feel stupid because there are only a few things that made me different from other people, and now its hard to get through a day without seeing 2 or 3 people who look almost exactly like me.

me, jacob, justin behie and colin grace were practicing for music mania one night, and out of the 4 of us, 3 of us had our lips pierced... and as awesome as that is, if i wanted to be like everybody else... i'd buy all of my clothes at american eagle and start playing hockey.

but... contrary to the way things sound, i'm going to keep mine in because i got it done first. but, i'm strongly discouraging anybody who wants it done.

(inspired by lindsay shorny's newest entry's mention of "chris", and the 4 guys who came into my work tonight with it done)
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