Nostalgia and Cough Syrup

Mar 09, 2010 20:05

So after four months of being broken up,my ex Chase started talking to me again.. And saying off-putting things like, "I think I might like you again." Ha. Silly. But I'm not into him anymore. And that's that. :( But I wanted to kiss him, like in a nostalgic way.. Almost nurturing way. I'd just confuse him though, or accidentally lead him on. I think I already have, poor guy. He's great, but him and I just won't work. I know that, and I believe it too strongly to falter.

See the deal is, he was crying! A lot! And that's because I'm sort of dating his ex-best friend Jesse. Jesse has done a lot of truly regrettable things, like cheat on his girlfriends and skip through a line of girls who were all friends. I'm actually part of that line, in a way. Which is why my situation with him is messy. He can't handle anything more than messy, though. He's afraid to call things by their real name because that means he has to take responsibility. It's like when soldiers don't call the men they killed by their names--they call them "enemy." Well he doesn't call it "dating," he calls it "being in a thing." haha :) But it's only been a few weeks of this.

My friend Sarah likes reading old books, and she's doing so right next to me. It's cute. She's wearing a baking apron skirt-like piece of fabric around her waist. It's super cute. I've been feeling super good about our friendship. I think it's going to blossom into an exotic South American flower. ha :)

I've got this dreadful sickness that won't subside. I've had it for three to four weeks now. It goes in waves of severity. Right now it's at another peak, and I just keep having coughing fits that make my stomach clench and hurt. And then my nose runs a whole bunch and I feel embarrassed because I have to keep wiping it in class or in front of my friends while they're trying to have heartfelt conversations with me. Ha. I'm gross.

Anyway, brownies are done. Gonna let them cool for a bit, then I'm gonna stuff myself. :)
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