singular, individual, lonesome me, losing myself to routine

Aug 08, 2009 22:59

I'm listening to Lady GaGa and other lame electro mainstream stuff again. I hate that stuff usually, though. It's weird.

I'm all alone right now.
I'm house-sitting for my boyfriend's family for a week... feed their dog, water their plants, sleep in their beds while they party it out in NY. hahaha.

so i'm all alone.

eating apples with peanut butter.. I discovered that it's one of the few ways I can stand to eat peanut butter. i hate peanut butter (usually).

you know, before this week started, I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish during this time (fix up HumLARP site, play with Bamboo art, maybe go running some, beat a few levels on Zelda).. And I highly doubt any of it will get done.. Because really.. time to myself, where i can just relax, no worries.. has been so rare recently. I'm taking advantage of it before my jobs and school classes start, and I lose my life to routine.

I'm going to Arts Alive tonight in Eureka. I'm kinda sketched out on it becuase I know that a girl who's crushin on my boyfriend is there. They had a little thing together a few months back, so I'm just sorta uncomfy with the idea of running into her. i'm pretty jealous and figure i'd probably stalk her all night or something psychotic. that's why my friend Chelsea promised to keep me in check and walk me in a different direction if I catch sight of this girl. hahah. nevermind, I missed it. It was last weekend! hahaha.

oh, and last night I played Magic cards with Alex, Chelsea, and Austin. Austin is my younger brother's friend. It was a shock that he played magic since he's such a scene kid, lol. but it was tons of fun.

speaking of my little brother.... ahhh... he's in juvy now. turned himself in, thank god. the people at the hall say he's been behaving super well, so I'm glad to hear that at least. I hope he's okay. :) he had his birthday recently. poor guy. he's gonna have to learn a lot of lessons really really fast in a short period of time. ouch.

when he's out of juvy, he's moving in my room with me. So i'm sharing my room with my 17-year-old punkass brother. ahh. haha. I dont mind too much--it's just that he treats my stuff like shit. I hope he treats it better this time around..

my family went on a camping trip and forgot to invite me until the last minute, literally. Unfortunately, I had other plans. But, it's probably better that way since they didn't really plan on me going obviously--they only invited me out of obligation. I feel bad about that in a few ways. ah well.

I start my job at the Halloween Boutique in the mall this monday. Wish me luck, everyone. :)
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