Oct 02, 2008 19:38

Luffy: *sprawled boneless across the deck, plucky listlessly at the feathers. he knows they're not going to come off any time soon, but this is the spot with the best view of the infirmary door, and he doesn't plan to leave it until Chopper lets him back in.*

Ace: *walks out and give Luffy an amused look* You still can't get those feathers off the deck? *shakes his head in amusement and flops down by his brother*

Luffy: *almost doesn't believe his eyes* Ace?? ACE!!! *bounces up into Ace, wraps arms around his shoulders... though gentler than when Ace was actually in his infirmary bed* YOU'RE OKAY, ACE!!

Ace: Oof! *chuckles a bit before hugging Luffy back* Yeah, I'm okay. *ruffles Luffy's hair and grins* Someone's energetic today, huh?

Luffy: *puts head down on Ace's shoulder* I can't believe Chopper finally let you out! You were in there forever!

Ace: Haha! It wasn't that long, Lu! *shifts a bit and tugs down his borrowed shirt* You want some help with the feathers?

Luffy: *insists* It was FOREVER! *blinks at Ace's movement* Isn't that Zoro's shirt

Ace: *rolls his eyes* No, it wasn't forever, Luffy. *blinks at Luffy, a bit surprised* Yeah. I don't have any of my own shirts so he let me borrow one. Why?

Luffy: *bluntly* You don't have any shirts because you don't wear any. *slowly moves a hand down to skim a light touch over Ace's back, where he remembers the curve of a skull between shoulder blades* It doesn't suit you.

Ace: Ehehe... I guess you have a point there. *tenses as Luffy touches his back and shifts uncomfortably* Doesn't suit me? *talks a bit too loudly, trying to get away from his scar* I'll admit it's kinda weird to be wearing a shirt again but I didn't always go around shirtless, you know.

Luffy: Maybe you were born to be shirtless! *laughs at the idea, and gives Ace's shoulders another quick squeeze of a hug* At least you still have your hat! Hats are very important!

Ace: *laughs and ruffles Luffy's hair again before letting him go* That'd be weird. *makes a face* My hat? *whistles and looks away* *accidentally burned it during the fight*

Luffy: *convinced that Ace just left it in the infirmary* Oh yeah, so the feathers! can you burn them off, Ace? *whines* They're really stuck!

Ace: *stares for a minute* *shakes his head fondly* Sure. I'll try. I don't want Nami or Franky after me for scorching the deck, though. *moves to the feathers and lights his fingers, holding them above the pesky buggers* *hopes the heat will unsticky the glue*

Luffy: *doesn't want to let go of Ace now that he's finally out of the infirmary* *stretches arms so he can put his face up close to watch* That's so coooool!!

Ace: *sticks his tongue out in concentration* *laughs a bit at Luffy* * accidentally lights a feather on fire* Oh shit. *blows on the fire trying to put it out*

Fire: *spreads*

Luffy: Ace.... I think you just set my ship on fire. *starts laughing uncontrollably* I can't believe you just -- !! HAHAHA! *jumps up and starts trying to stomp on the fire, but he's having trouble aiming his feet because he's laughing so hard*

Ace: I know! *glares at Luffy* This is not funny! Nami's gonna kill me if Franky doesn't get to me first!! *swats Luffy’s foot away* You're making it worse!! *puts his hands over the fire, re-absorbing it* Phew. *sits back on heels and grins at Luffy* At least they're mostly gone, now.

Luffy: That's true! *clutches his stomach; he's still laughing* Maybe you should burn the rest of it off too!!

Ace: *Gives Luffy a look.* *Like this: :|* This is not funny, Luffy. I'm not burning any more feathers. *Grabs the end of one of the remaining feathers and gives it a tug.* *It rips in two* Well crap.

Luffy: *plops himself back down* You don't think it's funny but you didn't see your face!! *leans on* This feels like old times, doesn't it? *laughs some more*

Ace: Heh. All right. Maybe it was a bit funny. *flicks Luffy's nose* Yeah, it does. We used to get in so much trouble with the mayor and Makino. *smiles and slings an arm around Luffy's shoulders* Of course, it was all your fault. I'm the older responsible and painting a rainbow on the side of the fish guy's was most definitely not my idea.

Luffy: *nose twitches* That was definitely your idea!! You're the one who said he was too grouchy! *laughs* He never sold us another fish, did he?

Ace: *laughs* Nope! It's okay, though. We figured out how to fish. After you stopped eating the bait. *gives Luffy a sideways glance* *smirks* Hm... *pokes Luffy's side just under his armpit*

Luffy: Well I figured since we had the bait anyway, why did we have to catch -- Eeep! *falls over, giggling* Aaace, that's not fair! *torn between attacking Ace back and fleeing*

Ace: *smiles mischievously* Says who, Luffy? *tackles Luffy and starts tickling him*

Luffy: *on snatched breaths between laughter* Says me! -- Hahaha! -- Not fair! Not -- hahahaa -- fair!! *trying to squirm away but finally just stretches out his arms and grabs Ace, trying to pull him off-balance*

Ace: Hahaha! *is grabbed* *topples over* Ack! *hits the deck* Luffy! * reaches to try and tickle Luffy again* *misses* .... *flails*

Luffy: *triumphant!* Now it's your turn! *pounces on Ace and starts to tickle him back* My arms are longer than youuurs!

Ace: *is tickled* Lu--... Luffy! St-stop! Hahahah! *can't stop laughing and is laughing so hard he's crying* Uncle! Uncle! I give!

Luffy: *grins so widely* Hehe, I win! *slowly ceases his assault, and without warning sprawls on top of Ace, grinning into Ace's shoulder*

Ace: *Breathlessly laughing* Yeah, you win. *is flopped on* Luffy? *smiles and puts his hand on his brother's head* It's good to be back with you again, Lu. I missed this.

Luffy: *blindly reaches for Ace's hand* You could become our nakama, Ace. *he offers casually* You could stay with me.

Ace: *swallows hard* Luffy... *squeezes Luffy's hand tightly* I... I might. I just... I don't know what to do any more. And... I really missed this.... *sighs* I just might.

Luffy: *looks up, surprised. he'd expected a firm no, as always* Ace... *scoots up, hugs Ace fiercely around the neck* It would make me really happy if you stayed. It's not right, not having you around. But what happened to Whitebeard? I thought you loved being on his crew?

Ace: *hugs Luffy back and buries his face in his brother's shoulder* I dunno. I guess... I just don't know how I can go back. Whitebeard told me to kill Teach. I've been chasing him for that very reason and now... Now I don't think I can. And Whitebeard's a good man but he's... touchy when people don't meet his expectations. I mean... I heard Shanks met with Cap'n to try and get him to call me off and he wouldn't. *squeezes Luffy* Besides, I kinda like this. Being here.

Luffy: *grins* I like having you here. But... *he should leave something this good alone, but he's always had a big mouth* If you want to go back... you'll be able to. We're going to get Blackbeard. We just have to find him first.

Ace: *grins into Luffy's hair* Yeah. I know. I'm actually going to think about it, though. It's not a yes, so don't get too excited. But... it's not a no either. *kisses Luffy's head* Either way, I love you, Lu. We'll always be brothers, right?

Luffy: *it's better than he would have expected* It's too late... *grin grows even larger* I already am excited!!! Just wait until I tell everyone else! We'll have a huge party! You'll never be able to get of this ship! *tightens hug, as though to prove point* Hey, that reminds me, what happened to your really awesome boat thing?

Ace: *laughs at Luffy* Yeah, I guess you getting excited was inevitable, huh? *flicks Luffy's ear* Just don't go spending Nami's money until I actually give you an answer, okay? *pauses and ponders* I have no idea. *pouts* Maaaan... that was an awesome boat, too!

Luffy: I know, it was!! *eyes gleam* You destroyed an entire fleet of Baroque Works people on it!! We should get Franky to make you another one. A better one!

Ace: Could he do that? Would he do that? *eyes gleam at the possibilities* Oh! That'd be so cool! It could be shaped funny and the design could be.... *is getting excited* We've GOT to ask him!!

Luffy: Yeah!! *begins to drum his fists on Ace's chest* He could make it look like anything you wanted! He made this ship - oh! Did you ever get a tour of my ship? *his grin is wide with expectation* It's really, really cool!!

Ace: I know he made the ship, you've told me before. *blinks* You know, I never did get a tour. I was kinda immediately put in the infirmary.

Luffy: The infirmary's boring!! I have to show you everything! There's so many rooms - a cannon room, an aquarium for the fish we catch, and the kitchen is huuuuge! *but he doesn't move, just lies there, soaking up the presence of his brother as he continues to talk excitedly*

Ace: *is content to sit with his brother* You have an aquarium? That's ... that's ... wow! Tell me more. I want to know what you've been up to.

Luffy: It's sooo cool!!! There's way too much to tell! *but he seems ready to tell it anyway when the light on the ocean suddenly catches his eye* Oh... that reminds me, Nami gave me a great idea! We should go train on the beach!!

Ace: *looks at the beach* Why on the beach? The sand might make it harder to move around or... Wet sand might... *inspiration!* *idea!* Wet sand might have the same resonance as sea stone! Only to a lesser extent because it's sand!

Luffy: *taken aback* Oh. Right. *sheepish laughter* I was thinking we could just stand in the water, but your idea is way better. That's why you're my big brother!

Ace: Wouldn't that just completely drain our energy, though? *put hand on chin in a thoughtful pose* Although... if it's just by our ankles about it should work. After all, the sand will probably dry pretty quick.

Luffy: *excitedly* YEAH!! I was thinking we could start off with just a little bit but maybe if we got used to it we could go deeper!

Ace: *nods* Yeah, that might actually work well, just so long as we don't go too deep. Don't want to fall over and drown. *pauses and blinks* Maybe we should get Sanji or Zoro or someone to watch just in case...

Luffy: They'll be bored. *this seems to be a terrible crime in his eyes* Anyway, they have to win the treasure hunt!

Ace: Maybe not... *realizes what Luffy said* Wait, and we don't have to win the treasure hunt? What's up with that?

Luffy: Oh. Right, we do too. *a terrible liar* We should be getting ready! It's going to start soon!

Ace: ... Luffy... *knows Lu is a terrible liar and is incredibly suspicious* What aren't you telling me?

Luffy: *attempts to hug the suspicion away* I love you, Ace!

Ace: *hugs Luffy back* I love you too, Luffy. But that doesn't answer my question.

Luffy: *grimaces, but he can't hide anything from his brother* I told the glasses guy to take care of Team Baked Ham without me. I was going to go train in the sea while everyone else was treasure-hunting.

Ace: *frowns* Luffy... *sigh* There's no dissuading you, is there? You're really going to go after Blackbeard? Whether of not I want you to?

Luffy: *frowns, suddenly worried* You want me to though, don't you? You want to get him back for what he did? Finish what Whitebeard-ossan wanted you to do?

Ace: *is trying SO HARD not to laugh at Whitebeard being called ossan* Well... yeah... I wish you'd just wait a bit. Train more than the time it takes for the treasure hunt. Actually look before you jump in feet first.

Luffy: *relieved, pokes Ace in the arm* There's lots of ocean, Ace. Can train anywhere. *shrugs* Anyway, we are looking! We're looking for stupid Blackbeard and his stupid ship. Wherever they are. The sooner we get going, the sooner we'll find them!

Ace: *sighs and smiles fondly and melancholically at Luffy* All right. You win. Let's go train, okay?

Luffy: Oh. But the treasure hunt. *pokes Ace* Your team needs you!

Ace: How are you going to train in the sea by yourself? *pokes Luffy in the stomach* Really, Luffy. I know you're smarter than that. *Thinks that maybe he isn't.

Luffy: I can.... tie my arm to a tree. *is dead serious*

Ace: * :| * No. Just... No.

Luffy: ...I could sit in the water up to my waist.

Ace: THAT'S WORSE!! *determined* No. Either I stay behind or you get someone else to stay behind to make sure you don't accidentally kill yourself.

Luffy: *slow smile* Well, good. I guess there's no point me getting stronger if you're not getting stronger with me.

Ace: *is confused* Wait. I thought you wanted me to go on the treasure hunt! Make up your mind! *frustrated huff*

Luffy: I do! But I want us to kick Blackbeard's ass even more!

Ace: *facepalms* *drags hand down face exasperatedly* Oy vey. *is lamenting having a little brother*

Luffy: But if you go hunt treasure I promise I won't do anything dangerous. *innocent grin*

Ace: *doesn't believe the innocent grin* *AT. ALL.* Right. Okay. Sure. I'll just ask Usopp for some superglue so you can take the place of the feathers. *evil grin*

Luffy: Whaaat! But then in order to get me off you'll have to burn me too! Aaaaaace!!

Ace: *cheeky grin* It'll keep you from drowning yourself!!

Luffy: I wouldn't drown myself! I'd probably starve, stuck to this deck! *stricken expression, suddenly remembers* ...I haven't eaten meat in so long...

Ace: ... *groans* Luuuuuffffyyyy... That wasn't the point! *is aggravated* But in any case, I'm staying here.

Luffy: What wasn't the point? *but he hugs Ace's arm and then jumps up* Your team is going to be so mad you didn't show up!

Ace: They'll deal. Anyway, it's for a good reason, right?

Luffy: The best! *sits up, grinning, and adjusts the hat on his head.* Let's get going before they notice we're not there!

Ace: *smiles and gets up, massaging feeling back into his legs* Okay. Let's go.

omg fuuuuunnnnn., lily's luffy is kickass awesomesauce, log

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