Jun 05, 2009 03:00
this day in tweets...
- 11:54 My dreams are really weird if I sleep past 10am #
- 12:13 The pool's been cleaned and the cloudy weather demands notice. I may just have to venture into the pool. #
- 12:40 Well I do like owls and DayGlo! RT: @sampagan: For some reason, this makes me think of @daikoneklectik tr.im/ns01 #
- 12:41 @ Smash_Ville Where are these pet tombstones at? The meow and woof isle? If so I need some to put in people's yards. #
- 12:59 @ sampagan awww you're making me miss you and @RobertSchofield more. I need to find my way to portland one day. #
- 13:07 @ sampagan Yeah I should... I need my SamRobo fix. Or would it be RoboSam? SamRober? RoberSam? I could go on but I want to go swimming. #
- 13:21 @ sampagan AH! I like that. I will remember RoboPagan. HAHA I remembered when Robert called me from the car... I saved that number as RoboCar #
- 13:22 Okay... I'm going to go swimming. Please don't burn my pasty body Sun. Thanks. #
- 14:29 I just tried to take a nap but my head wouldn't shut up. #
- 14:32 @ sampagan I'm already done with swimming. But you can sacrifice a pepsi to your tummy if you want! :D #
- 15:09 My themselves order came in today. It took a long time so I had to settle with a larger shirt... but the cd is awesome and so is the shirt. #
- 15:12 I think I was more excited that the album sleeve had some letterpressing on good quality 140 lb cardstock. #
- 15:47 Hey kids... my phone was shut off again. I don't make enough to pay it on time. Hopefully I can sell some paintings or something. #
- 16:02 scratch that... paid #
- 16:05 @ Peperino it's that same album. :D #
- 16:17 My driver's license came in the mail. They didn't give me a photo second chance like they did Conan. I look weird sans glasses. :( #
- 16:55 I think I could listen to Rapping4Money a million times. I love the combo of WHY? and Themselves! (but *sigh* no new clouddead) #
- 17:24 @ Peperino That's the reason why I had to buy the actually cd... so I could have it separate. :) #
- 18:23 @ sampagan what did the twitter ap do? #
- 18:40 My face is one huge smile right now. I really hope the reason continues to be good. #
- 19:28 @ sampagan I might pray for tacos... or churros. #
- 21:48 RT: @drxgirlfriend: Photo: Dunnununununununun! @sampagan: tumblr.com/x8j1yexgz #
- 21:51 The wind is worrisome. I dream of tornadoes tonight. #
- 00:15 "There are moments way out in the middle of nowhere when I see a little car parked and I swear it needs loving." bit.ly/1lcAPW #
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